Section Officers |
The Texas Chapter has five regional sections that are active in hosting events in the area. These events range from social events, sketch crawls, to CEU Professional Development. Use your planning and leadership skills to advance the profession and meet great people. You can also volunteer to serve on a section committee by contact the Section Chair in your area. Call for Section Officers Nomination forms are sent out in May. SECTION CHAIR Administration of Chapter sections is vested in the section chairs. The section chairs shall: be informed on Chapter goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events; serve as a member of and represent the section on the Executive Committee of the Chapter; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Chapter by bringing the section perspective to the Executive Committee and the Chapter perspective to the members of the section; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Executive Committee serving on standing or other committees or special study groups or task forces; and perform such other duties as are customary for the position of section chair or as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee of the Chapter. Eligibility - The section chairs shall be Full, Associate, or International Members Term - elected for terms of one (1) year. SECTION CHAIR-ELECT Responsibilities – Section Chair-Elect serve as support role to the Section Chair for any given region. Section Chair-elect actively participates in the planning of all the section activities, attends the monthly section officer meetings and in the absence of the Section Chair, participates in the monthly ExCom conference call. The Chair-elects serves one year before moving into the position of Section Chair. Eligibility - Eligible candidates for Section Chair-elect position shall be either a Full, International or Associate member. Term - 1-year term of service (subsequently followed by 1-year term as Section Chair). SECTION SECRETARY / TREASURER Responsibilities – Section Secretary / Treasurers of the Executive Committee shall: serve as support role to the Section Chair for any given region; participates in the active planning of the business of the Section under the direction of the Executive Committee. Eligibility - Eligible candidates for Section Secretary / Treasurer position shall be either a Full or Associate member. Term 1-year term of service. |
11/5/2024 » 12/31/2024
Central Texas ASLA Annual Sponsorship
The 2024 CTX Holiday Party (Reimagined!)